It was my first and won’t be the last
Brigita Rumung Brigita Rumung

It was my first and won’t be the last

This year, I spent my first summer in Seattle. Months before, I imagined having a chill summer where I could explore many places in Washington State or elsewhere.

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Dads can suffer too
Brigita Rumung Brigita Rumung

Dads can suffer too

When it comes to postpartum depression, most people focus on moms and children. In fact, fathers are also the significant ones to talk to. Please meet Steven Gallegos. He is a new dad. He was over the moon, welcoming her son, Caleb.

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Choose your pain, choose you fighter
Brigita Rumung Brigita Rumung

Choose your pain, choose you fighter

The COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as an important catalyst impacting health-related behaviors, particularly food patterns, with both positive and negative consequences. Finding the appropriate media channels to influence the consumption of healthy foods is crucial, according to a 2015 study by W&S Group.

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You are not special. You are not irreplaceable
Brigita Rumung Brigita Rumung

You are not special. You are not irreplaceable

Have you ever attended a social gathering, a lecture, or a meeting with alumni and contemplated the reason behind focusing solely on positive experiences shared by individuals? It could be the benefit of connections, the power of communication, or anything else in a positive way.

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Perempuan Timur dan COVID-19: Kisah Kapten Tangguh
Brigita Rumung Brigita Rumung

Perempuan Timur dan COVID-19: Kisah Kapten Tangguh

Berbicara tentang perempuan, di masa, di situasi apapun tidak akan pernah ada kata usai. Perempuan, Puan, Wanita, apapun sebutannya selalu menjadi garda depan di segala situasi. Terutama pada situasi-situasti menegangkan. Sebuah artikel yang ditulis oleh Jack Zenger dan Joseph Folkman memaparkan sebuah hasil penelitian yang hasilnya menunjukan bahwa, women are better leaders during a crisis.

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